Friday, September 10, 2004

Rather's Line

I would forgive CBS everything if, during tonight's broadcast, Dan Rather turned to the camera and deadpanned, "Yes, we at CBS News have been pwn3d."



  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    what does pwn3d mean?

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Dan Rather would rather swallow a salt lick on a late August day in Austin day during an acute lemonade stand shortage than admit he's wrong.

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    There is no doubt that these documents are fakes, but Dan Rather is a far-left ideologue, posing as a journalist. He knew they were fakes, but he is so contemptuous of the American public that he thought they wouldn't notice modern computer word-processing proportional fonts, super-script, and text-wrap characteristics that didn't exist in 1972. ... Moron.

    Rather hasn't changed one whit since he published a massive serial lie, cleverly disguised as reporting on the Vietnam war. I was there, a Marine, personally seeing it with my own lyin' eyes and I didn't recognize anything that came out of his mouth ... but the American public ate it up. Maybe that's where he developed contempt for the average American intellect. It was a pack of lies, seeded with a few grains of truth taken out of context, then blown grossly out of proportion.

    But, now he's been caught red-handed.

    Will the "great" Dan Rather admit he is complicit in not-so-clever leftist lies and propaganda? Probably not. If he does, I will be amazed. If he doesn't, he's toast. Frankly, I'm hoping he does NOT admit it. I want to watch him twist in the wind until he bursts into flame and splashes face down into the sea of mud he created. ... Sweet.


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