Tuesday, September 14, 2004

This story pretty much does it. Bad day for CBS.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    The author of that piece is obviously an operative of Lord Gnarl.

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM

    At first I leaned toward at least two of the memos being fakes not detected by those consulted by CBS because
    the points were outside their expertise: maybe 94% leaning.

    Then came the Rather defense: he has convinced me - they are fakes. His argument seems to be:
    1. The story is that Bush disobeyed a direct order, not how we got the memos indicating this.
    2. The memos support the story.
    3. One memo mentions Bush's suspension from flying, which a forger could not have known unless he has been watching the news for a while or saw the documents published earlier or *gasp* actually did a FoIA request.
    4. Therefore it does not matter whether or not they are forgeries, and the only evidence for the story, and have no indication Bush ever saw the “order” - which is itself not in any form required by regulations since Old Ironsides made her maiden voyage.

    And the Howard Hughes will, the Hitler Diaries, and a host of others can now be revealed as indisputable. After all, they contain verifiable facts.


    John Anderson - teqjack@wowmail.com


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