Monday, November 01, 2004

Just Asking . . .

Soxblog has an explanation of why he's not talking up the Kerry-was-dishonorably-discharged story:

Let's be clear--it's a great thing that Michael Moore and Whoopi Goldberg and Bill Maher have freedom of speech and expression. Well maybe not Bill Maher. But the fact that they use this freedom in irresponsible ways is not to be admired. And the fact that their expressions give comfort to those who wish our streets to run with blood should come as no surprise.

So if John Kerry wins, we who might well be his critics must behave properly. We should bear in mind that whatever we do our enemies will be watching. And we should refrain from slash and burn campaign tactics.

Has anyone seen this sort of sensible sentiment from the anti-Bush left? Not that I'm questioning their patriotism, mind you. I would never do that.

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