Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kos Concedes?

I feel bad for Kos, since he's been soured since early in the night. And he seems never to even have enjoyed the contact-high of the mid-day exit polls. But doesn't this post seem a little premature?

Kos notes that an MSNBC poll is showing that the "youth" vote is down. Kos, old buddy, no matter who wins or loses, I think a smaller youth vote is something we should all be able to celebrate, no? I mean, have you ever met America's youth? Confronted with a news story about the most recent suicide bombing in Israel, one youth voter today asked me, "What's a Tel Aviv?"

This particular youth voter isn't stupid--she's exceedingly bright and successful and attends a prestigious university. But she (sensibly) spends her time concentrating on things other than current affairs and is, well, youthful. Which is a synonym for "not having been around long enough to know better."

Sex should be left to the young and voting to the old. It plays to both groups' strengths and is--all things considered--an exceedingly fair trade.

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