Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Yes, That Jon Klein

It turns out that there's a reason Jon Klein, the blogosphere's own personal Dick Dastardly, hasn't been posting much to his blog recently: It turns out that he's been named U.S. head of CNN. Lisa de Moraes is, as always, so bad that it's good:

. . . after Klein gave the obligatory "it's about the storytelling" speech--really, new hires at CNN should be required to take a pledge not to say anything sounding remotely like "it's about the storytelling"--one reporter opened the Q&A portion of the festivities by noting wearily that CNN has "talked about 'storytelling' the last three rounds of management changes" and asked Walton how many times they thought they could discuss "storytelling" as the reason for an executive change "before it becomes sort of toxic." Walton responded that not every ratings point is created equal; Klein added, "There's storytelling and there's storytelling."

Not mean enough? She adds: "In a statement, Fox News Channel said it wished 'CNN well on their annual executive shuffle.'"

I'd like to say that, contra the blogosphere, I found Klein quite pleasant and responsive in my dealings. Best of luck to him on the new job--and I think it would be great if he kept his blog going while at the new gig. A blog that gave an inside look at how executive cable news decisions are made? That would interesting.

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