Wednesday, December 01, 2004


The very smart Dick Meyer has a sensible, and depressing, column about the trends of radio stations that run contests where the prizes are boob jobs. During the Christmas holidays. Lovely:

One past winner, an 18-year-old named Ashley, wrote on [morning DJ MJ Kelli's] Web site, "When I go jogging, the guys don't stare because my breasts aren't big enough to flop all over the place. I want the boys to drool. . . I'm a hot piece of a--, new breasts would only double my 'nailability.'"

What a healthy syndrome to nurture with modern marketing techniques: teenagers who think of themselves as pieces of something intent on increasing their "nailability" through surgery.

This would seem to me to be the type of cultural blight that both liberals and conservatives can get behind. (1) This isn't the type of thing that should be on morning radio; (2) This isn't the type of message that we should be broadcasting to women (and especially young girls)--that they aren't good enough unless they get their breasts done.


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    dude cmon on, should libs and conservatives agree that nice breasts are a GOOD thing?

  2. Gee, the only place I learn about the culture problems is on conservative web sites. I, like a lot of other liberals listen to PBS and they don't offer boob jobs even during the regular fund raising campaigns - the closest thing to an erection offered by NPR stations is an umbrella.

    You know, I have to wonder who listens to the shock jocks and their ilk. If not liberals, are they conservatives?

  3. Anonymous11:36 PM

    im a conservative and I listen to Stern everyday.


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