Thursday, December 09, 2004

The Bull Moose has a fittingly nasty post on the Washington Post's story of Rumsfeld in Iraq:

"Mr. Rumsfeld, seemingly caught off guard by the sharp questioning, responded that the military was producing extra armor for Humvees and trucks as fast as possible, but that the soldiers would have to cope with equipment shortages. "You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time," he said.

"Specialist Thomas Wilson, a scout with a Tennessee National Guard unit set to roll into Iraq this week, was the first to step forward, saying that soldiers had had to scrounge through landfills here for pieces of rusty scrap metal and bulletproof glass - what they called "hillbilly armor" - to bolt to their trucks."

The Moose goes loose, saying:

Rumsfeld went on to explain that pure "physics" is the reason that the troops could not be supplied with sufficient armored vehicles. Pretty neat, huh? Maybe "physics" can replace "the dog ate my homework" as the universal excuse that students give their teachers for uncompleted assignments. Perhaps, in a face saving move, the President can just shift Rumsfeld over to the Education Department where Rummy can apply his novel notions of accountability to the nation's schools - the students will love the lowering of standards.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    According to a post on Romenesko, the armor question did not come spontaneously from Wilson, but was planted with him by a reporter from a Chattanooga newspaper.


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