Tuesday, January 11, 2005


The more you read, the worse it gets. Curious how the Thornburg-Boccardi panel decided that the Killian memos might be real? Read here for the startling answer.


  1. But he wasn't a "lackluster military man". Or do you have some documents to share? Non sequiter nevertheless. This report quote from Jonathan's Weekly Standard writing is a forehead slapper: "Although his reasoning seems credible and persuasive, the Panel does not know for certain whether Tytell has accounted for all alternative typestyles that might have been available on typewriters during that era." I translate this as, "Something we don't know about might have done this" Doh!

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    "Although his reasoning seems credible and persuasive, the Panel does not know for certain whether Tytell has accounted for all alternative typestyles that might have been available on typewriters during that era."I applaud the meticulousness of the Panel. There is not, for example, any evidence to refute the possibility that a time machine developed by the Air Force and since destroyed with all associated documentary evidence was not used by that secretary to travel forth in time in order to use Microsoft Word. Take THAT ankle-biting CBS detractors!

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Nobody showed them the animated GIF comparing the "original" with the same document typed in MS Word? Do these guys even know what MS Word is?


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