Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Galley Reader J.B. sends in this email pointing out a stunning quote Howard Kurtz's story:

"There was a rush because Mary felt it was a great story and she was going to get scooped on it by USA Today," Mason said. "I think she would have done that with any story. I firmly believe if they found something about Kerry and his past, they'd be rushing to get that on the air, too."

Obviously, Linda Mason was in Bhutan when the Swift Boat Vets were getting started.

Good point, J.B.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Wikipedia doesn't just have a reputation for dubious accuracy, it also has a reputation for left-wing bias. I followed a link there the other day and was shocked to see words like "Repuglican" and "wingnut", so I wouldn't put any more stock in their info than I would in that of their ideological soul mates at Democratic Underground.


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