Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Like the non-heteronormative gal seeking same from yesterday, the Law Jedi found another bit of alumni fun. A notice in his alumni magazine reads:
After spending some time in Oregon & California, I finally settled in Philadelphia, PA in 1999. My wife Kathleen [name redacted] & I married under the care of our Quaker meeting in October of 2002 and are excitedly expecting the birth of our first child in early March. (I'm the one who's swelling.) Kathleen works for the National Park Service and I serve as Development Manager for Friends General Conference....

The kicker here is that Darth Liberty once took the swell gal out.


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    But where's the post about the alumna who models accessories for a dog-fanciers catalogue?

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    But where's the post about the alumna who models accessories for a dog-fanciers catalogue?


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