Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Petite Powerhouse

Of the three best weekly reads in America, one is the New Yorker, for which my fondness knows no bounds. Another is the New York Observer, which this week carries a fascinating George Gurley article on Dawn Eden.

Eden used to work at the New York Post, where she edited and wrote--brilliantly--headlines. Then she was sacked for a journalistic error by the man who declared that Dick Gephardt was John Kerry's running mate on the front page of the Post.

I met Eden once and will always be grateful for a bit of advice she gave me. I was working on a piece about Hollywood and wanted, badly, to interview one of my writing idols, a man whom I was terrified of calling. I mentioned this to her in casual conversation and she, having just met me, became very serious and insisted that if I didn't reach out to him I would regret it for the rest of my life. The next day I called him, we spoke for a long while, and we're now acquaintances. I thank her for giving me that push.

Today Dawn has a wonderful blog, the Dawn Patrol, which I hope you'll visit often. And I hope she finds much post-Post success.

(Also, read the Gurley profile, it's fantastic.)

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