Monday, February 14, 2005

Who Won Marine One?

Even though Lockheed/AgustaWestland are the official winners of the $1.8 billion Marine One contract, they may wish it didn't work out so well: Rival Sikorsky had already lost its multibillion dollar Comanche program. Losing a prestige contract like Marine One was even worse (they had been carrying the president since the 1950s). If Sikorsky loses the PRV (Personnel Recovery Vehicle) competition this summer, America's most famous helicopter-maker could be facing some hard times--which is why some believe it will win the PRV contract as a consolation prize. Meanwhile, the Europeans have now gotten a foothold in the U.S. military copter market and have no intention of leaving. Both sides cry politics and to some extent they are both right. For in-depth analysis, see my recent article in The Daily Standard.

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