Thursday, March 03, 2005

Are you happy now, Vic?

I'll link to this story but you'll get not one word of editorial comment from me.

Yeah, baby!

Okay, that's two words.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    OH please..rofl. That chick is just a slut, so, why should everyone involved be punished? As sad as it is, kids have sex, lots of it and different forms of it. Unfortunatly, that's just the few past generations (since the 60's) lives. I don't want my kids to have sex at 14, but if they decide they want to, whatever I say will more than likely just make them want to do it more, so I'll instruct them on safety and provide condoms. Would you rather be an asshole about it and find out 10 years later your kid has HIV/AIDS? No parent ever wants to admit their kid's a slut, but it's a reality that alot of parents just need to face up to..OORRRR, parents could always bring back chastity. lol We'd have some pretty pissed off kids doing that.


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