Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Comic Book Nation: A Contest

I won't put the eye-candy on our site, but click here to see an ad for Victoria Secret's new swimsuit line.

Why is this interesting? A pile of Galley Slaves' merchandise for the reader who can tell me from which obscure superheroine's costume this swimsuit is nearly exactly cribbed.

Update, 12:17 p.m.: Wow. It took less than two hours and we have a winner. Carole Lee Sussman has correctly identified the Victoria's Secret swimsuit as a knock-off of Phantom Lady. Now I just have to come up with some GS merchandise . . .


  1. I'm gonna go with Ark Angel.

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    It's Vampirella. I am so embarrassed for knowing this.

    Talisa Soto played Vampirella in a movie, actually. Apparently, it's Ed Wood awful.

  3. Anonymous11:51 AM

    It's Marvel comics Moondragon. She's clearly more obscure than Vapirella and the Moondraon's costume was also green.

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Wow. That's all I'm going to say.

    So, what's the Galley Slaves merchandise?

    : )

  5. ... Would that be DC's Phantom Lady?

  6. Anonymous12:43 PM

    It's phantom lady:

  7. *does the slightly uncoordinated victory dance of the fangirl who is not afraid to publicly proclaim dorkhood*

    .... oooh, swag.


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