Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I Wanna Be Like Tucker

So, last night I was trying to learn to tie a bow tie, so that I'm not the only conservative in Washington who doens't know how to tie one. I go online, in search of a good set of instructions with, I hope, illustrations. And I come across this page on Note the, perhaps unintended, rankings of famous bow-tie-wearers. Tucker Carlson first, then Winston Churchill, then Groucho Marx, and so on. George F. Will isn't even listed.

1 comment:

  1. I also wear bow ties, and have never understood why people complain about how difficult it is to tie them.

    The dirty secret of bowties is that you tie them just like you tie your shoelaces. It doesn't seem like it at first because (a) you have to get the length right first or nothing else works (b) the tie is flatter and orientation is important (c) you typically learn by doing it in a mirror, which screws up your muscle memory.

    Also, don't worry too much about getting the bows and ends perfectly balanced, unless you're wearing a tux. Bowties always come out of balance after an hour or so of wear anyway.

    Welcome to the club.


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