Monday, March 21, 2005

Schiavo and the Left

This is an important, defining moment for leftism. The Daily Kos has posted an entry about Terri Schiavo by Hunter. It must be read to be believed:
You know what? Subpoena her. You called it, DeLay, Frist -- unless you're the biggest fucking cowards on Capitol Hill (a pretty safe bet, ain't it?) I want you to haul that soulless body that used to be Terri Schaivo up to Washington, prop her the hell up in front of a microphone, tape a goddamn American Flag to her forehead and ask her your fucking, shit-headed questions.

She won't answer. Guess Why?

Because She. Has. No. Brain. Left. She is brain-dead. She is worse than brain-dead, because her brain died so long ago that there's nothing but fluid-filled holes in much of it. Yeah, you can still dress her up in pretty clothes and coo, if you're a sick fucking bastard. I think you're a fucking necrophile, but that seems to be a central tenet of modern Republicanism, so what the hell?

So subpoena her. Bring. It. The. Fuck. On. You. Goddamn. Constitution-Fucking. Cowards.

This is where America's left has gone. Let us pray they don't take liberalism with them.


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Here, here, Jonathan. Now all that we have to do is get rid of the judicial branch of government and have all disputes resolved by people who agree with us.

    P.S. - I'm also requesting that Sen. Santorum introduce legislation outlawing living wills and healthcare proxies.

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    JVL: why does any of this surprise you? For years many on the left have hidden behind the notion that they were not in fact against life, not in favor of abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide, etc...., but that they merely believed these things should be available as options. "Choice" is what they called it. And for decades mainstream Americans bought in to the notion of "choice". But the Terri Schiavo case has unmasked those on the left who are not in favor of "choice" but rather in favor of killing off those they deem burdens on society. It should come as no surprise that the original proponents of "choice" were also in favor of eugenics. Human life has no inherent value to these people. Their hyper-rational minds are incapable of differentiating between a human in Terri's situation and a rock. Sure they will wax poetic about Terri's wish, but press them hard enough and they will admit that even if everyone agreed that Terri would want to be kept alive, they believe that Terri should be allowed to die. A mere 3 decades since Roe and we're about to let a woman whose condition is seriously disputed die. Can't wait to see what the next 3 decades will bring. Systematic execution of autistic and mentally retarded infants? Don't ask don't tell trash bins where mothers can drop off their murdered infants, like the bins that already exist for unwanted puppies? All those on the left in favor of allowing Terri to die: please spare us your righteous indignation at the notion of normalized infanticide, you pulled the same bullshit when abortion opponents warned of the slippery slope after Roe legalized abortion. Look at where we are today.

  3. Anonymous12:25 AM

    c'mon----who's afraid of the daily chaos ?
    register and !@T@h slap them until they ban ya.
    liberals are braindead and chaosians more so than others.
    g'wan, they're more fun than democrappic underground.
    on the serious side of things though,we are very concerned here about the outcome for Ms.Schindler.
    Who's next ? easy. all like her and then the profoundly mentally retarded, disturbed,autistic,etc.
    they'll probably start the easy way by forbidding any disabled to be resusitated,you know---the managed care won't cover it.....why pay for "them?"
    it'll be real easy since hitler already left the instructions.

  4. Anonymous12:27 AM

    c'mon----who's afraid of the daily chaos ?
    register and !@T@h slap them until they ban ya.
    liberals are braindead and chaosians more so than others.
    g'wan, they're more fun than democrappic underground.
    on the serious side of things though,we are very concerned here about the outcome for Ms.Schindler.
    Who's next ? easy. all like her and then the profoundly mentally retarded, disturbed,autistic,etc.
    they'll probably start the easy way by forbidding any disabled to be resusitated,you know---the managed care won't cover it.....why pay for "them?"
    it'll be real easy since hitler already left the instructions.

  5. Anonymous12:28 AM

    didn't mean to hit ya twice.

  6. I did a piece on this theme in today's online Spectator that you might enjoy.

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Despite the rhetoric on this blog, it seems that this issue may be the turning of the tide. Most Americans don't agree with views espoused by JVL or Fred Barnes or Homnick. And it's not that they don't just disagree, they are left scratching their heads and asking, "Where's my Republican Party?"

    Most people are seeing this not as a right to life issue, but a right to die issue. And when it comes down that way, most people, Republican and Democrat alike, agree that Ms. Schiavo's wishes to die should be honored and not hijacked by conservatives looking to leverage this tragic issue to gain political points. We shall see how it turns out, but I'm betting that the Republicans have shot themselves in the foot while trampling on Ms. Schiavo's rights. But then again, who cares about Ms. Schiavo's rights?

  8. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Most people are seeing this not as a right to life issue, but a right to die issue. And when it comes down that way, most people, Republican and Democrat alike, agree that Ms. Schiavo's wishes to die should be honored and not hijacked by conservatives looking to leverage this tragic issue to gain political points. We shall see how it turns out, but I'm betting that the Republicans have shot themselves in the foot while trampling on Ms. Schiavo's rights. But then again, who cares about Ms. Schiavo's rights?

    So...did you perform a mind-meld so you could ascertain what Ms. Schiavo wanted? Found the written instructions did you?

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I'm not crazy about Congress and the White House intervening in this case - Pandora's box anybody? - but I have to say I'm amazed at the sheer foam-flecked, sputtering anger expressed by the left.

    Given the knotty facts of the case, you'd think you'd hear more hemming and hawing, and stuff like "hard cases make bad law" and so forth. You'd also think that maybe - just maybe - there'd be some sympathy for the parents who just want their daughter to live.

    But no, it's a full-on screaming hate-filled ragefest for the Left.

    I looked at the message board of a AP Yahoo story on the Schiavo case yesterday and saw comments like "The difference between vegetable and a Bush," and "Who will take a gun and shoot Terri?"

    A special taste and sensitivity award should go to the person who wrote "Club her like a baby seal."

    This whole affair has been referred to as a "clarifying debate." No kidding.

  10. What we would not do to a dying dog, we insist on doing to Terry Schiavo. The Left has no concern with "death with dignity" or "right to die", much less the alleviation of suffering. Rather, they exhibit an obsession with preserving judges' prerogatives to legislate from their benches.

    These. People. Make. Me. Sick.

  11. Anonymous11:18 AM

    "So...did you perform a mind-meld so you could ascertain what Ms. Schiavo wanted? Found the written instructions did you?"

    The trial court determined that, even applying the "clear and convincing evidence" standard -- the highest burden of proof used in civil cases -- the evidence showed that Terri would not wish to continue life-prolonging measures.

    Apparently that isn't good enough? I guess people who can't afford a living will or don't have the foresight to get a living will don't get to have their wishes carried out when it comes to the right to die?

    If you don't like the courts findings, then appeal it (oh wait, they did). If you don't like Florida law, then change it (oh wait, I'm not sure that the legislature would enact that).

  12. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I agree Congress' efforts to bring Terry to the floor are extreme and basically a mute point due to her inability to travel. The purpose was a stalling tactic, albeit a poorly formulated one.

    To me, the issue is not whether or not Terri's feeding tube should be removed. The real issue is a question of guardianship, victim's advocacy rights, and the rights of women.

    In my opinion Michael Schiavo has long lost the dominion of guardianship over Terry due to his marital infidelity. It is in effect a breech of contract. The marital vow dictates that partners swear allegiance in sickness and health. Mr. Schiavo wants to retain his legal rights as spouse to contradict the wishes of her parents, yet has not honored any of the other ramifications of his vow i.e. marital fidelity. His pleas would have much more merit with me if he were indeed a husband in every way. This breech of contract should have disolved his legal right to guardianship long ago. My bets are that if there were a role reversal, and Mr. Schiavo were in a PVS, and Terry had a common law partner, the courts would have severed any connection between them long ago.

    If indeed Terri is in a PVS, the state of being itself dictates that comfort, or lack thereof, is a non-issue with Terri herself. The issue then becomes that of coping strategies of the loved ones involved. When measuring the depth of her personal relationships, I believe her family's relationship with her far outweighs that of a brief youthful marriage with a man with whom she has no children. Therefore, on moral grouds alone, the family's wishes should be honored above Michael Schiavo's wishes.

    My personal opinion is that Terry has little hope for recovery. I am not sure what I would do in the family's situation. But I stand firm in my belief that it is the family's decision, not Michael Schiavo's decision. Were it my own husband, early in our marriage, with no children to consider, I would have deferred to his family, moved on with my life, and spent the rest of my life remembering the good times.

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Snowden wrote,

    "The Left has no concern with 'death with dignity' or 'right to die', much less the alleviation of suffering. Rather, they exhibit an obsession with preserving judges' prerogatives to legislate from their benches.

    These. People. Make. Me. Sick."

    Present some evidence about the "judges' prerogatives to legislate" in this case. Maybe we should have some mullahs or ministers make the determination in this case. Republicans seem hell bent on demonizing/demolishing the third branch of government simply because they don't like the legal opinions or maybe because it's a great way for them to gain political points, I'm not sure.

    But where's the evidence that Judge Greer and the Florida appelate courts legislated anything? If you aren't happy with the Florida State law, then stop whining about the judiciary and change the Florida State law!

  14. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Can someone in favor of killing Terri Schiavo please tell me the difference between Terri and a severely mentally retarded infant? Both cannot survive on their own, both do not need respirators to breathe, both require assistance to eat, both probably are not aware of their own existence. Therefore, what is the difference between killing Terri and killing that child? Are we now going to decriminalize the infanticide of mentally retarded children? Regardless of what you think of the legal decisions and congressional actions in this situation, the precedent set by allowing Terri to die is a dangerous one. It will have no end. The only logical end to the continuous redefinition of life is that life itself has no meaning and no life is worth protecting. This is why Republicans and many others seek to keep Terri alive. The notion that her life is not worth living is dangerous and leads society down a road that would have disastrous ramifications.

  15. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "Republicans seem hell bent on demonizing/demolishing the third branch of government simply because they don't like the legal opinions or maybe because it's a great way for them to gain political points, I'm not sure."

    And Liberals seem hell bent on making sure that the third branch of government (you know...the one NOT elected)always has the final say on pretty much everything under the sun. Basically because they know they can never win over a majority for their idiotic points of view.

  16. Reality based indeed.

    Maybe my dogs are smarter!

  17. Anonymous8:41 PM

    If we really care about Terri and/or think there is any possibility that Frist's friend might be right, we should do the following:

    1. Raise $1,000,000 to pay off Micheal so he will no longer insist on killing Terri.

    2. Get control of Terri, stabilizie her with fluids.

    3. Give her rehabilitation treatment.


    Surely given the notoriety of the case, it should be feasible to raise this money?


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