Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Terri Schiavo's Last Communion

From the Washington Post:
Schiavo's religion--she is a Roman Catholic--has always been a significant aspect of the seven-year legal battle between her parents and her husband, on such issues as whether her feeding tube should be reinserted and her husband's plans to have her remains cremated. Her faith was so entwined in the legal fight that a judge issued an order dictating the exact number of times--once--that she could receive Holy Communion after her feeding tube was removed March 18.

But Monsignor Thaddeus Malanowski, who gave Schiavo her last authorized Holy Communion on Easter, announced Tuesday that he had tried to defy the order during an afternoon visit to her hospice room. Bobby Schindler, Schiavo's brother, said the three police officers in the room warned Malanowski that he would be arrested if he followed through on plans to place a drop of consecrated wine on Schiavo's lips.

Let's read that again: a judge issued an order dictating the exact number of times--once--that she could receive Holy Communion after her feeding tube was removed March 18.
But of course this is all about respecting her wishes and freedoms.


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Can someone explain how this is not a violation of the constitutionally guaranteed [sic] separation of church and state?

  2. As a Catholic, my heart breaks for her, that they would deny her the Sacrament on her deathbed. To me, this is proof that this has nothing to do with respecting Terri's wishes, or wanting her to peacefully die; this is evil. This is also state-ordered religious persecution.

  3. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Sounds like the judge has heard the stories of early Church Fathers who subsisted solely on the consecrated Host for years at a time, and was afriad that Terri might not die as planned.

  4. Anonymous6:26 AM

    This judge has a burning desire to go to hell


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