Monday, April 25, 2005

For TWS subscribers, I have recently admitted to my addiction to the game Civilization in this week's issue.


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The treacherous Aztecs declared war on us!

  2. Anonymous7:24 PM

    "currently developing Civilization IV--one of whose features, by the way, will be 'advanced multiplayer gameplay.' This means I can now take on someone besides the computer."

    Um, you do realize that you can do that with Civ III, "Play the World", right?

    Also, you realize that you are confirming the suspicion that many liberals hold about neo-cons (and I have no idea if you are, but writing for TWS...) who support pre-emptive war: that we all think that real life is just another game of Civ.

  3. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I'm fairly certain some left-wing (or paleocon) blogger is already using your column as proof of the neocon movement's desires to conquer and rule the world. "See! They even practice doing it on computer games ..."

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I'm fairly certain some lefty (or paleocon) blogger somewhere is already using the column as proof that neocons really just want to conquer and rule the world. "See! They even practice at it with computer games ...

  5. CIV III is a great game.

    And yes, you can play the world with it. And you have to own the expansion pack, of course.

    Cheapest entertainment ever developed on a per hour basis.

  6. Anonymous3:35 PM

    this jury duty crap has got to stop.
    i have to have my galley multi-daily update.
    you better start posting.....
    anyone in there???????????????

  7. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Hmmm I'm old enough to have played Civilization the cardboard counter game...I tried playing Civ 2 online with a friend, never tried playing Civ online again as the game took it's sweet time, with me moving a settler 1 space and then waiting about 2 minutes to move it another space...

  8. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Check out There is a vigorous set of forums and some fun to be had in the Off Topic. Some idiocy and kids (not always the same) of course. But you will see some smart types there for sure.


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