Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Genius over at soxblog:
The Sox own the Yankees now. Facts are facts.

Here’s what happened today: The game entered the 9th inning with the Yankees clinging to a 3-2 lead. The once unhittable Mariano Rivera came in for the Yankees to close things out.

But watching from Soxblog Manor in far away Florida, I could tell something strange was afoot. The cretinous Yankee fans were acting like Red Sox fans as Rivera entered the game. Despite their typically crude bluster, I could sense fear in their black hearts. Speaking from personal experience here, I know the biggest choke in the history of professional sports will have an effect on a fandom’s collective psyche. . . . .

From there he gets really mean. I love it.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Two out of three ain't bad, in fact it's excellent in baseball. The Yankees (and Rivera) would gladly accept winning 2 of every 3 against the Red Sox if each loss involved a blown save.

    And who would you rather have as your closer, Keith Foulke or Rivera?? Case closed.

    Red Sox fans are still "all atwitter" about winning one after 8 decades. As JoePa once said, when you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before.

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    As I once said "bite me yankee fan"

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    A crushing comeback. Did you sit down with Mommy and Daddy to craft that one, son?

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Bottom line, the Sox earned it last year, but after getting himself in trouble on Wed. by loading the bases with no outs, God's favorite Panamanian reacted, not by melting down, but by thoroughly dominating Trot Nixon for a strikeout, then getting Manny to hit into a near-certain double play, which A-Rod botched. Then followed a weak ground-out (albeit a run-scoring ground-out due to A-Rod's not even geting one out on the previous easy grounder), and two sawed-off, bloop hits. Bloops, errors and seeing eye-singles are part of the game, no question, and a win is a win, but to say that Mo cost that game is to ignore that he did his job only to have A-Rod not uphold his end. Betting against Mo on a regular basis is more wishful thinking than thinking baseball.

  5. Isn't the bigger story how the DC Nats somehow ownthe Phightin' Phillies? What's next? Will the KC Roayls/Detroit Tigers series have emotion? What fucking bizarro world have I entered?


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