Thursday, April 28, 2005

Glenn Reynolds Takes a Cheap Shot at Life

Buoyed by the successful killing of Terri Schiavo, Glenn Reynolds carried this little note this morning:
IT'S NOT LIKE THERE'S A WAR ON, or anything.

The link takes you to a post on the Corner, where Kathryn Lopez noted the passing of the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act in the House.

Galley Friend C.L. writes in:
All of which makes me wonder if Glenn would be willing to trash talk Martin Luther King, Jr. After all, why should he have bothered with civil rights or basic matters of justice? It wasn't like there was a war on, or anything.

Good point.

Update, 12:00 p.m.: Reader AK adds:
Reynolds is right. There's a war on. We shouldn't spend our time worrying about other matters, like transhumanism, gay marriage, the Mazda RX-8, campus photoblogging, the Nikon BJ6900LMNOP, our brother's bands, and space exploration.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Reynolds is right. There's a war on. We shouldn't spend our time worrying about other matters, like transhumanism, gay marriage, the Mazda RX-8, campus photoblogging, the Nikon BJ6900LMNOP, our brother's bands, and space exploration.

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Are you sure Glenn wasn't trying to link to another K-Lo entry? Perhaps "HOMOSEXUALITY IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH MILITARY SERVICE", the link to the Elaine Donnelly piece in USA Today:

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I think erich is probably right, but it's still a lame comment, since it begs the question. Would having openly gay people serve in the military help or harm the effectiveness of the military in fighting the war on terror? Reynolds has his opinion on that, but it's not like the opposing view is irrational. And the answer to the question isn't known.

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM


    Glenn used the permalink for Lopez's abortion post. If he clarifies his original post and states that he mistakenly copied and pasted the wrong URL, I'll believe him. For now, his link points unambiguously to the abortion post.

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    OK, I retract my earlier comment. The date on the Donnelly post is after Reynold's post, so he was referring to the abortion post.

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    The weirdest thing is that it's impossible to tell exactly what point Reynolds is trying to make in the first place. His comment is vague and cryptic.

    If he IS complaining that The Corner is not sufficiently focused on the war, I'll be happy to dig through his archives for any of the countless posts where he's chided others for telling him what to write about.

    First, though, it would be nice to understand what he's trying to say here to begin with.

  7. Anonymous2:48 PM

    "it's not like there is a war going on" is the new "is it because i'm a lesbian"

  8. Anonymous6:55 PM

    "FYI I just posted this over in the thread at Ace of Spades ..."


    First of all, the site you've linked to in your comment here is not called "Ace of Spades."

    Second, there is no discernible "thread" at the site you linked to. There is what appears to be a blog post only -- no comments thread.

    Third, the excerpt provided here does not appear on the linked page at all.

    So, fourth: Could you explain what the hell your post is supposed to mean, and how it's relevant to the Glenn Reynolds stuff we're discussing here?

  9. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Oh yeah, and...

    Fifth, the word "Blogos" is goofy as shorthand for "blogosphere."

    (At least that's what I assume it's supposed to mean. It's hard to be sure, since it's a word that isn't used by others when communicating thoughts.)

  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Don't forget nanotechnology.

  11. Anonymous10:45 PM

    There's also been a war against unborn children for 30 years, but since they don't look like 6 year olds, it's of no concern to Reynolds.

  12. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I read Instapundit somewhat regularly, but frankly, I hate these one- or two-word posts he does. Most of the time I skip them because I don't have time just to click on links that say, "Heh."

    Undescriptive posts: "pithy" is one word for them. "Cryptic" another. But I prefer "lazy."

  13. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I think many folks forget that Glenn Reynolds does not now and never has claimed to be a conservative. However, he does represent the opinion of alot of swing voters who happen at this moment to support the Republicans. For that reason, his opinions cannot be simply written off. See article below:

  14. This whole Schiavo situation puts hunger strikes in perspective.

    Who knew they were actually in a state of bliss? They tricked us into thinking starvation was painful.




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