Friday, April 29, 2005

If you say you don't want this, then you're either lying, or a damned fool and a scruffy-looking nerf herder.


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I prefer the Count Dooku light saber myself. A more elegant weapon than a blaster.
    Ok, time to go herd some nerf! But, first, a shave.

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The cool thing about the blasters in the original Star Wars was that, rather than make up some goofy-looking sci-fi guns, they simply modified historical guns to make them look laserific. Of a piece with the whole look of the movie, where the future is filled with objects that have actually been used. (Unlike the silver, reflective "because we can" CGI ship Amidala's flying around in in Ep 1.)

    Han Solo's pistol is a modified Mauser M1896 and the stormtroopers' blasters are modified Sterling L2A3 submachine guns (rebel blasters are also part-Sterling: grip, trigger, back end).

    --Bill Walsh

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Bill-- It was a great personal moment in gun geekery when I guessed the true identity of Han's blaster. For $499 plus some scratch, I think I'd rather get a beat up broomhandle Mauser that would actually shoot. (Maybe a replica Shandei .45 ACP Mauser)

    --See Dubya

  4. And the gun the Jawas used to disable R2 was a sawn-off SMLE with a can on the end.


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