Sunday, April 03, 2005

Mark Steyn beats up on Andrew Sullivan (by name) and Glenn Reynolds (by inference). Don't miss it.


  1. Maybe it is my 33.6 connection, but I couldn't get the link to work. I found the story at

    Great read.

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Can we finally crown Mark Steyn the greatest living columnist in the world? I can't remember reading anything in the past 5 years that he wrote that was not insightful and entertaining. He has the sharpest wit perhaps of anyone alive, but most certainly anyone in print.

  3. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Notice Sullivan's silence regarding the Pope's death. It's becoming a trend for him, he only writes when he has something nasty to say about conservatives. I'll give him a few days before he starts attacking the Pope. I guess he didn't really retire, he just retired the pretense that he is actually a conservative.

  4. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Perhaps the most significant death in the past 50 years and Andrew Sullivan hasn't said a word in the two days since. Instead, he's hyping an article he wrote about Schiavo, which is yesterday's news, and super-HIV. hilarious, the guy hasn't a clue.


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