Monday, May 23, 2005

More NBA Notes

Michael Wilbon observes:
This is where the Spurs really remind me of the Patriots. They'll exploit whatever matchups necessary to win. When the Patriots need to smother Peyton Manning, they do. When they need to score 35, they do. These Spurs can beat you, 81-75, as may be necessary in the NBA Finals against Detroit, or 121-114, which is necessary against the Suns.

Like many others, I'm generally down on the poor quality of play in the NBA, but the four teams left in the playoffs (San Antonio, Phoenix, Detriot, and Miami) are big exceptions to that rule. This is the first time in a long while that each of the NBA's final four would be a legitimate and deserving champion.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    " but the four teams left in the playoffs (San Antonio, Phoenix, Detriot, and Miami)"

    Don't know if this was a Freudian slip or not but you said Detriot not Detroit. Either way it was funny.

  2. I hate the way the Pistons play. It isn't basketball as I knew it, or at least offensive basketball. It's hard to remember that this Larry Brown was the same run n gun LB of the old ABA.


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