Thursday, June 16, 2005

Just Asking . . .

If, hypothetically, James Dobson started speaking out about the Michael Jackson verdict, would the left become instantly pro-Jackson?


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "Who is James Dobson to interfere with our right to chose who we let entertain our kids? And what exactly is the problem with sexually ambiguous men entertaining boys in their homes if the boys' parents brought them? Is there no end to radical, extremist right's intolerance and homophobia?"

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    WOW, anonymous sees nothing wrong with old weird guys sleeping with boys as long as parents deliver the goods. What if they sell their kids for this sex? Intolerance and homophobia??? Give me a break. I bet this ANON person would sell their mom for a few bucks.

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Um, Ellen, I'm pretty sure ANON was being ironic in his mock potential liberal reply.


  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Yes, I wrote it and it is a parody of a left-wing anti-religious right rant.

    Fooled ya though, didn't it?

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    what is sad is that we can't even tell the difference between a liberal rant and a parody of a liberal rant.

  6. "If, hypothetically, James Dobson started speaking out about the Michael Jackson verdict, would the left become instantly pro-Jackson?"

    I know I would and I haven't paid any attention to the MJ case. Is it over?

    Now if SpongeBob were involved that would be a whole different story.


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