Friday, June 10, 2005

Paul Krugman: Jerk, Part II

Showing what a fine colleague he must be, Paul "Wolfman" Krugman takes another shot at Daniel Okrent today:
It's not a pretty picture - which is why right-wing partisans try so hard to discredit anyone who tries to explain to the public what's going on.

These partisans rely in part on obfuscation: shaping, slicing and selectively presenting data in an attempt to mislead.


  1. I'm Krugman's age and remember Chicago in those years. It's a much better place to live now than then. This is what happens when you get old though: yesterday seems better. It wasn't if you think a little and look around at how people live now. Krugman should know better.

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I'm curious, JVL, when people accuse you of being dishonest, how do you respond?

  3. quote Pontous Pilate's question to Jesus: "What is truth?"


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