Tuesday, June 21, 2005

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

Our good friends at Davids Medienkritik, the indispensable blog for "politically incorrect observations on reporting in the German media," will be demonstrating next Monday, June 27, at Lafayette Park, across from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The reason for their assembly is Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's visit to Washington where he will be meeting with President Bush as well as business leaders. How very typisch of Schröder, in the heat of an election, with his approval ratings below 30 percent, and critics charging him with anti-American and anti-business rhetoric, that he would now come to meet with Bush, emphasize the need for transatlantic cooperation, and speak to those heartless capitalists. Davids Medienkritik isn't fooled either. And while the focus of the demonstration will be "against anti-American bias in German media and politics and for German-American friendship and cooperation," it would also be a fitting sendoff.

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