Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Brussels Journal

The Brussels Journal is a new, and incredibly useful, blog about Europe run by, among others, my friend Paul Belien. Must reading.


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    The Brussels Journal is hate-filled right-wing propaganda.

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I just came upon the Brussels Journal through an on-line search engine. I was amazed to see in writing what I have known for some time. Whoever calls it hate-filled right-wing propaganda, please educate yourself. Read the book Inside the Jihad by Omar Nasiri.

  3. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I also came upon the Brussels Journal through an on-line search engin. If you want to have some idea about the fate of europe this blog is a must. There are many many millions of Europeans who are in fear of their future, the future of their culture and the future of their children.
    They are lost because the dragon we call the EU and the multiculturalists want to destroy Europian and western culture.
    I only ask you to look at the facts and come to your own conclusions.
    The good thing about this blog is you can use it as a starting point, and then search the net for more information.
    Most of all you will find that you are not alone. Their are people out there who will defend our culture and our values, people like Geert Wilders who's Freedom Party is the paradigm for future political parties throughout Western Europe.
    We can only win this through Politics, either way civil war seems inevitable the real enemy is not the Muslims it is those within our political systems whos aim is to destroy our culture and way of life, Mass immigration, especially Muslim immigration is designed to do that. Its not the fault of the Muslim, after all they just want a better life, would you want to live in a muslim country? Find those who created this situation, and remove them from power, to do this you need information, blogs like The Brussels Journal can help point you in the right direction.


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