Saturday, July 23, 2005

Letter from Londonistan

If you only read one piece this weekend, it should be Irwin M. Stelzer's brilliant and depressing analysis of what's going on in London.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    That is a depressing article. I suppose one has to remember that England's history not only includes the Seahawks, Wellington and Churchill, but also Ethelred the Unready, Richard II and Chamberlain.

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Excellent piece yes -- it capture well the climate of acceptance to clearly radical Islam that harbors terror and shows what danger relativism holds in the battle against terror.

    But, the link to welfare payments is weak. Do illegal immigrant really just begin receiving welfare once entering the UK? Even so, none of the 7/7 guys was receiving welfare straight out or had just entered the country. The kids grew up in Britain and the only connection between them seems to be ties to and visits to Pakistan -- a country which we also whole-heartedly embrace despite its clear harboring of radical Islam and lack of democracy.

    But, oh wait, we do the same to Saudi Arabia. But, oh wait, that's who attacked us!

    Listen, a real principled stand versus terrosism relies on the West shaking Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and all other militant, not-democratic Islamic states (which, sadly, seems to be every Islamic state) to its core.

    To act like we are a bastion of anti-terrorism while Britain ain't because of welfare payments and a mayor's acceptance of a radical Islamic cleric is wrong. Say, well, we invaded Pakistan....and tried to instill democracy there. At least we would have been better able to monitor who was coming and going from the jihadist schools and perhaps prevented a 7/7. But, we can't press upon Pakistan to reliably even give us intelligence regarding who comes and goes from the schools because Pakistan's our ally in the war against terror. We can't stop the clear Saudi Arabian funding link to Al Queda for similar ludicrous reasons.

    Bush blows.


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