Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Flirting with .400

This is why baseball is the greatest sport on earth.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    The great thing is that he's doing it with Cristian "Six-Three" Guzman's leftover bats. Two men, same team, one bat. One is chasing .200 and starting in the big leagues. The other is chasing .400 and stuck in the minors.

    This on a team that regularly loses games 2-1 for want of a hit.

    Which is to say that there are two ways to look at this story. There is the simple human-interest, "Gee, isn't baseball great" point of view. Which is fine, because Rick Short is a great guy and a good player and hopefully he'll be managing in the big leagues before too long and yes, baseball is the best sport there is. Or there is the Nationals fan's point of view, which sees this story and reacts by wishing that excrutiatingly painful bodily harm would befall Jim Bowden, the general manager who has arranged things so that Rick Short is stuck in the minors instead of playing in the show, where his team could really use a hitter like him, especially in place of the sub-.200 shortstop whose bats Rick Short is using and whom Bowden signed to a $17 mil, four-year contract.


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