Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Great News!

He renewed his driver's license! All hail the New Media! Suck on that, Paul Krugman!

(Bonus points if you guess the "he" before the jump.)


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I love it when JVL drinks deep draughts of the Haterade®.

  2. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I don't understand JVL's fixation with Instapundit. We all know he has some tedious posts. We get it.

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    And tedium runs rampant in the blogosphere these days. Take a post at Captain's Quarters today, describing J.C. Watts --

    "Watts impressed us all with his quick mind, sharp analysis, and excellent communication skills; in fact, he'd make a great..." wait for it... "blogger."

    Groan. The ol' "I like him, he reminds me of me" routine. A punch to the soul, every time.

  4. Anonymous7:00 PM

    And yet we still visit his blog seven times a day, and we visit Galley Slaves... not seven. Makes ya think, don't it, J?

  5. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Instapundit blows. The guy is so effing full of himself and his site is painful to read these days. I love it when he writes "hey, somebody took my advice" and links to a story about something that just about anybody could have predicted should happen.

  6. Anonymous11:36 AM



  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "And yet we still visit his blog seven times a day"

    Speak for yourself.


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