Tuesday, August 23, 2005

If You Never Loved Chris Wallace Before . . .

. . . you will now. From the summary of his appearance on The Daily Show:
Wallace asks if Stewart's claim to fame is going to be discovering Steve Carell. Oh snap, yo! Man, Wallace, I know you didn't just step over that line. Hell no. The audience erupts in playground "OHH"s. Stewart chuckles at the response and asks Wallace, "Do you realize that you're surrounded by my audience?"

That's right: Lock it up.


  1. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Stewart's been very full of himself, since 60 minutes crowned him a power player in the MSM...

    ...But no amount of Steve Kroft inspired arrogance could make me believe I could banter with Mike Wallace's kid without being very careful.

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I have a very basic cable package. Of the cable stations, I only get WGN (Cubs games), TBS (Braves games), TLC (let's trick out a car or build a motorcycle), LifeTime (in case I want to grow a vagina) and Spike TV (MXC). I feel so fortunate that I don't get Stewart or any of those shows or stations. I really don't miss much.


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