Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Iron Mike, Porn, Jenna Jameson

Oh just click this link already. Nothing I can tell you about the story could possibly make it sound more interesting, could it?

Fine, I'll give you a tidbit from Brian Moore's excellent piece:
Tyson told a correspondent for Britain’s Zoo magazine that he’d chatted with “a gentleman called Jimmy who’s involved with Jenna Jameson. They (sic) said they were interested in getting me involved in the adult film industry.” . . .

Tyson’s sexual appetite is gargantuan--he’s like King Henry VIII at a Shoney’s – so working in porn would be a sort of reverse busman’s holiday for him.


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM


    To tie it in further, Mike Tyson sometimes trains here in the Phoenix area and Jenna is buying one of the better strip clubs in town.

    I am sure this is what the Arizona Republic newspaper meant by wanting to throw billions of dollars at the "New Urbanism"

    On the other hand.... glad to see Ms. Jenna has standards in her marriage

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "Alas, Michael Irvin is the veritable Ponce De Leon of uncompensated amateur porn"

    The funniest line I will hear or read this month, maybe this year, I laughed for 30 seconds.

    Jason O.


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