Thursday, August 25, 2005

You Know You're In a Bruckheimer Movie If . . .

Galley Friend J.V. sends along this link to Peter Suderman's hysterical Guide to Determine If You Are in a Jerry Bruckheimer Movie:
1. Your girlfriend is a waitress, but could be a model.
2. A bus explodes. . . .
6. Despite a total lack of training, you are able to shoot and fight with the accuracy and ability of a special-forces soldier.
7. You are a cop or scientist, but could be a model.
8. A building explodes. . . .
10. The light always hits your face in just the right way.
11. You are in a shootout on the streets of a major city ...
12. ... and it involves helicopters and rocket launchers.
13. Everyone around you is a model.

There's more.

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