Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Answer: No one knows!

Question: How many Frenchmen does it take to hold Paris?

Galley Friend B.W. sends this amazing link:

"Perhaps French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy might want to visit Britain for next year's Holocaust Memorial Day, which is held on January 27. Yesterday's Ha'aretz reports that Douste-Blazy revealed a shocking lack of knowledge of the Holocaust and European history during a recent visit to Israel's Holocaust memorial site, Yad Vashem.

"The museum, which is an extraordinary achievement in public history, includes detailed maps showing the number of Jews killed in each nation occupied by the Nazis. Douste-Blazy asked why no British Jews were listed as murdered, prompting the museum curator to point out, 'But Monsieur le minister, England was never conquered by the Nazis during World War II.'

"The Foreign Minister's response: 'Yes, but were there no Jews who were deported from England?' Amazing."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    In the Netherlands, people would not understand how anyone could cooperate in the persecution of Jews except under the most extreme duress. In France, apparently, people do not understand how anyone would not persecute Jews when given half a chance.

    Perhaps that's the difference between the parts of Europe that are sympathetic with the plight of the Palestinian people and those that just hate the Jews. A very telling exchange.


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