Friday, September 16, 2005

In Defense of a Friend

Andrew Sullivan takes a cheap shot at Hugh Hewitt today (even while agreeing with him), calling Hewitt "the Sid Blumenthal of the Bush administration."

Forget all of the many large ways in which this comparison is silly. There is one small, but very telling difference: Nearly everyone who knows Blumenthal--even his political allies--despises him. Nearly everyone who knows Hewitt--even his political adversaries--likes him.

If you're the type of person who thinks that character counts, then it's impossible not to number Hewitt as one of the good guys, regardless of his (or your) politics.

Update, Sat., 12:14 p.m.: Power Line has a list of reasons why the comparison of Hewitt to Blumenthal is ridiculous. A commenter here has something else to add:
If Hewitt is to Bush as Blumenthal was to Clinton, may I propose that Sully is to Bush as Bill Bennet was to Clinton?

That is to say, a humorless self-righteous prick who is quite certain he's never been wrong about anything. Ever.


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I used to really enjoy reading Andrew. A shame that he descends to this these days. Hugh's virtual symposiums were a joy to explore the blogosphere last year. I cannot see comparing him to Sid "Xerox"* Blumenthal.


    *Xerox-The Document Center

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    And besides, everyone knows that Fred Barnes is the Blumenthal of the Bush administration, at least in terms of being the president's most reliable press apologist.

  3. Anonymous12:12 AM

    If Hewitt is to Bush as Blumenthal was to Clinton, may I propose that Sully is to Bush as Bill Bennet was to Clinton?

    That is to say, a humorless self-righteous prick who is quite certain he's never been wrong about anything. Ever.

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Fred Barnes is another person who might be the nicest guy in Washington. He used to have dinner meetings with DC interns and I found him to be one of the friendliest people I've ever met.

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    when it comes to trashing people, you just can't be a conservative! So he compared Hewitt to Blumenthal, and all the GOP robots go ballistic, get a life!


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