Friday, September 23, 2005

Memories of a South Jersey Childhood

No, I'm not going to foist any of my memories on you. But the Wershovenist Pig shares some of his in the course of his long exegesis on the Sears/K-Mart merger. This isn't indulgence on the part of the Pig, however, it's anecdotal evidence. If you've been listening to Jim Cramer pumping this deal, the Pig's careful analysis is a tonic--and might save you a few ducats:

Cramer doesn't talk up SHLD because it's a wonderful synergy of two dying retailers, K-Mart and Sears. He loves Sears because he want to make sweet sloppy love to Eddie Lampert. Cramer's hoping he's found the next Berkshire Hathaway. He's been trying to convince Mad Money viewers to buy this story, even to go so far as to convince those low on funds to buy a single share of SHLD.

That's a bit rich to me.

Read the rest and I suspect you'll be convinced, too.

(I'll note, for the purposes of disclosure, that many of my childhood memories from SJ track closely with those of the Pig since, basically, we were always hanging out at those malls together.)

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