Friday, October 28, 2005

Al Roker Is So Butch

Here's his blog fightin' words for print journalist sissies:
Okay, I have held my tongue long enough, but enough is enough.

I’ve been Googling news stories about my now infamous fall on live television during my coverage of Hurricane Wilma. I’ve read all these print journalists knocking their broadcast brethren about how we are trivializing hurricane coverage.

How we are setting bad examples. How this is just grandstanding.

I’ve got your grandstand right here.

Stop whining. Just because your medium is irrelevant when it comes to a breaking story like a hurricane doesn’t mean you have to trash others who are out there covering it.

I can't tell if this is really Al Roker's site, or just a very, very, very elaborate version of Harriet Miers's blog.


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The site is legit. I first saw it about two years ago, when the mag I work for ran a story on Al, about his wife getting pregnant and fatherhood in general.

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    This is very interesting site...
    » » »


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