Thursday, October 13, 2005

Burying the Lede

This article is supposed to be about a guy skipping out on a monster tab, but the editors bury the lede. The real news is: There's a store "where customers can read comic books while drinking cafe or tea"!

Sign me up.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Next best thing: Hit Big Planet Comics in Bethesda (head to the back for the all-important chat with owner Joel before you leave) and then stop at Caribou Coffee just down the street. It's not unusual to find others doing the same thing, especially Wednesday or Thursday. Anyone bemoaning the lack of terrorist-fighting movies from Hollywood should pick up Queen & Country for the best black ops fiction since LeCarre's Our Game.

    Of course, a comics coffee bar with private rooms where they let you run up half a million yen ($5,000) tab is a whole other level of geekommodation you just don't see outside Tokyo.


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