Friday, October 21, 2005

Danielle Crittenden hints at something which I've been waiting for someone to notice:
We are asked to stand by her because, simply, she is a woman — a “pioneer,” a “glass-ceiling breaker” — even while other more qualified women were rejected for the position (and interestingly, rejected by Harriet herself, who headed the “search” committee).

We've been told by Miers only that she didn't want to be considered for the first vacancy, but it's not clear that she wasn't angling for the second slot. Certainly, what Crittenden notes here is interesting: Miers was in charge of the search committee and somehow none of the qualified women made the cut. I wonder why that was.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Oh, bullshit. It's the rumor everyone in town knows--hell, I know it and I'm in spitting distance of the South Pole at the moment--but nobody will put in print. Lousy constitutionalist though she doubtless is, Harriet probably has a sharp eye for libel.


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