Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Wow. Ryan Lizza notes that "The counsel to the president of the United States wasn't licensed to practice law in D.C."


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Unfair. Anyone can overlook the payment of dues that are only paid every two years.
    But, all the other complaints still obtain.
    - JS

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Completely fair. Bush supporters keep assuring America that it's OK to have a president who deals only in vague generalities because he'll surround himself with the kind of detail-oriented people we need to run the government while the president sticks to the big picture. But if the man can't even hire himself a competent lawyer ...

    And no, forgetting to pay your bar dues is not normal behavior for a practicing attorney. Maybe an in-house corporate attorney can get away with a slip like that, but a law-firm attorney like Miers really ought to know better. She made managing partner at LL&S, for crying out loud; you don't make partner at a good firm by letting your license expire for nonpayment.

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I am not defending her. Of all the (insanely many) reasons to nix this nominee, this one is small potatoes and not worth the mention, in my opinion. Of course, some disagree.
    - JS

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Was she required to be admitted to the DC bar to be counsel? I doubt it very much. What was her status in the Texas bar?

  5. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Don't worry, she's detail-oriented.


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