Monday, October 24, 2005

It's On.

Be honest, you're not getting any work done while waiting for the indictments. So what better way to pass the time than to check out this review of Civilization IV?


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    At least JVL only mentions his love for Civ on the blog. Unlike some other Galley Slaves I know.

    So, are we going to see a Galley Slaves online Civ tournament? I think MR. ALL CAPS would love to take JVL down.

  2. I never understood other people's Civ obsession. Real-time strategy (e.g., this, this and this) is a million times more fun.

  3. Pfft...maybe if you're an uncultured boob who is fascinated by shiny objects, loud noises, and tank rushes.

    For those with more refined tastes, Civ is the only way to go.

  4. A grunt followed by a string of comical assertions. You must be a Miers supporter.

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