Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Not a Parody

Check out this news item:
Halifax and NatWest banks have led the move to scrap the time-honoured symbol of saving from being given to children or used in their advertising, the Daily Express/Daily Star group reported today.

Muslims do not eat pork, as Islamic culture deems the pig to be an impure animal.

Salim Mulla, secretary of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, backed the bank move.

"This is a sensitive issue and I think the banks are simply being courteous to their customers," he said.

So, will the banks also stop advertising loans? Or charging interest?


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Um, how are advertising and interest offensive to muslims?

    One wonders how you'd feel about an American bank giving out Satan-banks, or an Irish bank giving out Virgin-Mary-dressed-as-a-streetwalker banks. Methinks your racism is showing, and it's not pretty.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Anon 4:59 -
    Have you ever heard of Islam's prohibition against charging interest?
    Methinks your ignorance is showing, and it's laughable.
    - JS

  3. I keep seeing how pig imageries are continually being removed from British society because Muslims consider them impure. My question is, if the concern is for the sensitivities of the religiously observant, why weren't they removed long ago to avoid harming the sensibilities of observant Jews, who also do not eat pork and consider pigs impure? The fact that even now the Jews are not mentioned as a "possibly offended" group is curious. It would appear that this is not truly about religious or cultural sensitivity generally, but about pandering to one specific segment of a specific religious group's sensitivity. And I would say that the average non-grandstanding observant Muslim, Jew, OR Christian in Britain would rather have the Page 3 girls clothed than have piggybanks removed from banks. The whole pandering thing is just bizarre, something from a Monty Python movie.

  4. "Page 3 girls clothed"? Banish the thought! I, for one, would be mortally offended by such a move.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Another PS to Anon 4:59 --- "Um," it's not so much the advertising that would be offensive as the loans. In Islamic finance, as understood by the Koran, there is only one kind of acceptable loan -- and that is a loan without interest. Other loans and the idea of interest in general go against Islamic beliefs. "Um."

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    The muslim religion also forbids anyone from conversion to another religion. The penalty for this crime is death. Will the bank be banning such converts from it's premises, or perhaps gunning them down in a show of sensitive solidarity with their preferred muslim customers beliefs? Selective religious accommodation is a ridiculous venture to start because no one can answer the question of where does it end.

  7. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Another PS to Anon 4:59PM,

    Um, no.

  8. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I don't know if you recall, but Jesus was not all that fond of moneylenders and usury (lending money for interest) was considered a mortal sin well into the middle ages.

    So perhaps Christians should be a little more sympathetic to their own professed religion and join their muslim colleagues in this interdiction on advertising a sinful activity.

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