Sunday, October 23, 2005

Where's White Power Bill?

This Drudged story on Lamb and Lynx Gaede is funnier than it is disturbing because (1) the power of KKK-style neo-Nazism has waned to such a degree that its proponents have resorted to trying to sell it through Britney-inspired pedophilia; and (2) because the girls have appropriated the language of New Age relativism in service of their racism. Example:
"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white . . ."

As if there were a chance that young Lynx might actually become, say, Korean, if she isn't careful.

If this is state of white supremacy in America, then it's a happy day for all of us.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    The ABC story is good and bad. It is good in that it exposes these idiots for what they are - pretty frickin' said.

    It is bad in that: (1) this is a perfect media driven story - an absolute feather in the cap of the reporter. This is because they get to cry "the sky is falling" because these girls have the potential to have zillions of followers. They sensationalize it. (2) ABC gets to lump white people, pickup trucks, Nazis, etc all together. There is no perspective.

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Lynx Gaede? That sounds like Link Gaetz aka "The Missing Link" an ex-NHL enforcer that had a cult following at one time.

    Seriously, the point of the post could not be more correct. The specter of white supremacy is so near and dear to the major media because the self hating white liberal media member is never more sensitive than when dealing with "old school" (Nazis, Klan) traditional white on black racism.

    I'm waiting for ABC's next story on the insidious danger of the Freemasons.

    Jason O.


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