Saturday, November 05, 2005

Jon Stewart Is Hurting America

I wish he'd just stop.

But really, can't we all quit pretending he's still funny? He hasn't gotten an honest laugh since the mid-'90s. I'd rather watch Rip Taylor.


  1. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Plus, all of the funny bits are left over material fromthe Craig Kilborn era. E.g. the "field reports."

  2. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Thank God someone else said it. He wasn't funny on MTV Spring Break ten years ago, and he's even less so today - unless you think mugging for the camera like a chimp is some kind of groundbreaking comedic breakthrough. And worse, he's somehow acquired the reputation that he's smart, too, and has some kind of keen insight into the media or politics.

    He's no better than Kilborn, he just had Colbert and Carell.

  3. As George Carlin once said, "There's two knobs on the TV, one changes the channel and the other one turns it off".

    Don't watch him if you don't like him, it's really very simple.

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Hey Ranando, I don't watch him. I'm just saying most of his good bits were taken from Craig Kilborn. Man.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Samantha Bee interviewed me back in July (I was on the show July 28th) and I found it to be a really enjoyable experience. But then, I don't watch television, had never seen the show (and haven't since), and they could have really reemed me... but they didn't.

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    aaron says: I don't watch him but I know everything about his show.

  7. Anonymous7:14 PM

    T.O. is definitely hurting America more than Jon Stewart. Is this good or bad for the Eagles? It looks like it should be pretty good for the 'Skins, the Cowboys and the Giants.

  8. C'mon, Jon Stewart is so much funnier than Brit Hume and you know it.


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