Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Let My Love Open the Door...

For some reason, various Galley friends and readers have been sending me a link to Tyler Durden's recent post about Jennifer Love Hewitt contemplating a spread in Playboy. Why on earth would this interest me, a married man? (This post is fraught with peril.)

I have always thought Jennifer Love Hewitt was enormously talented. She's been endowed with qualities other actresses can only envy. But it seems she wants to be taken more seriously--as if we don't take her seriously on CBS--and thinks posing for Playboy will do the trick.

Honestly, I don't know if it would lead her to better roles and more respect, which she certainly deserves. But it might work. And so I support her in this noble quest in the hopes it will boost her career.

In fact, I'm praying for it. Her success, I mean.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    You should read the latest Bill Simmons column. He addresses some of this same territory only from a little different angle.


    Search for "Emily's Reasons Why Not".

    Good times.

    Mpls, MN

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Is there some way we can arrange for Hewitt to get the Oscar by showing us her Golden Globes? Just asking.


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