Tuesday, March 14, 2006

And by the way...

Thanks for all those who chimed in. It's good to know we were missed. By all 19 readers. We missed you too!

Just a few thoughts. During our hiatus, Mr. Last has been busy on his Philadelphia Inquirer columns and was away at sea on The Weekly Standard cruise down the Mexican Riviera. Mr. Skinner gave birth to a new baby boy. Okay, maybe Mrs. Skinner did most of the work. Still, we are all very proud that his boys can swim! As for me, I had come down with a nasty flu. As it turns out, handling Chinese poultry carcasses and forgetting to wash your hands really isn't a good idea.

While we are in the midst of redesign, allow me to pass on this amusing link. The German Coast Guard has been a very important part in the war on terror. Nevertheless...


  1. So, with the redesign and all, I guess I have to actually start checking out the site instead of just using the RSS reader. Dang it!

    Of course, once I see it, back to RSS with you guys (placed right next to The Superficial).

  2. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Okay, one mystery solved, Now maybe someone can tell us what the hell happened to Beldar.

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Hey, I'm a regular reader (mostly RSS) and I'm sorry I forgot to comment, but I really do enjoy reading you guys and hope GS is better than ever when it comes back for sure. We need more right of center writers who aren't deathly serious all the time, and I thank you for pushing them that way.

  4. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Jeez, I missed you too. As did my brother. And my other brother. And neither are named Darryl. And I'm a chick. Wow, you have some ODD readers.

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Well if the cruise, a baby, the flu, and a Sunday column kept you three from getting around to the redesign, I'd put money down that it won't happen until the conclusion of March Madness. Looking forward to it!

  6. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Glad to see you guys are back (kinda). I missed you. In the meantime I've had to rely on Barnett for my daily dose of time wasting internet reading. Please hurry back (and please don't flame me soxblog, I was just kidding, really, I love your stuff :)

    Mpls, MN

  7. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Please add me to the "welcome back" even if Jonathan only pulls for the Broncos when they lose. (Do they ponies have a chance with the ex-Eagles receiver? Would they want to? I terrellize to think.)


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