Monday, April 03, 2006

Car Porn

Sure, The Call is just a commercial, like the BMW Driver series. And it's got Naomi Campbell.

But it also has John Malkovich as a priest.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    TVR Sagaris, in case anyone wondered what car that was. Not available in the US, such a shame, it's one of the prettiest cars in the world.

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    A couple of observations:

    1. Ultimately, this is just one long commerical for automobile tires and an automobile.

    2. One might view this as a bit degrading to Catholicism. If they really had balls, they would somehow use Islam rather than Catholicism. I understand this was about an exorcism and I am clueless as to whether that concept even exists in Islam; however, my point is that some in popular culture like to shock by casting certain religions in a bad light but when they pick on Christianity they know that nobody will meaningfully threaten their lives. Just ask Rushdie or some Danish newspaper editors.

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    That's got to be hard on the tires. FX


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