Monday, May 08, 2006

The Greatness of Philly Fans

I can't find a picture of it on the web, but the Philadelphia Inquirer splashed it across the entire top half of the front page of the Sunday sports section: It's a shot of Bonds standing in left field at Citizens Park on Saturday night. Behind him, Phillies fans have hung an enormous banner--it must be 50 feet long--which reads:
Ruth did it on hotdogs & Beer.

Had Bonds broken Babe's record that night, this banner would have been in all of the pictures, for forever. It's so hateful.

So perfect.

Update: Galley Friend J.E. emails this Bonds quote from the AP:
Bonds was peppered with insults from the Philadelphia fans during the weekend games.

Asked if it was hard to listen to the catcalls, Bonds said, "Dodgers Stadium is worse than here. This was nothing. LA beats them."

Touché, Barry. He knows how to hit Philly fans where it hurts.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I've been looking for a photo of the banner too. So far, Centre Daily reported that there was more to the banner:

    As Bonds walked out to left field before the bottom of the first, fans in the front row of the bleachers unfurled a huge sign that read: "Ruth did it on hot dogs and beer. Aaron did it with class. How did YOU do it?" In addition, one 'i' and the question mark were dotted with asterisks.

  2. As much as I hate Philly fans--remember they boo Santa, throw batteries at opposing teams' coaches, cheered when it looked like Michael Irivin [a D-bag, I'll admit] might've broken his neck, and within minutes of Mitch Williams giving up the Joe Carter HR he was getting death threats--I'm not sure that this brings the city back. But it's a fine start. Maybe Bonds'll slump until they return to Citizen's Bank Ballpark.

  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    There is a photo of the banner at Deadspin


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