Thursday, August 31, 2006

Be True To Your School

Last week, the Collegiate Licensing Company published its list of schools whose logos sold the most merchandise. For five years, the University of North Carolina was the most popular. But now, UT-Austin is on top, followed by Michigan, Notre Dame, Georgia, and UNC. No other demographic breakdown is provided so there's no telling what sells where, though I haven't seen too many Texas shirts around here. Of note is George Mason jumping on the list at 73, no doubt benefiting from its tourney run, and Boise State (49) edging out the likes of Georgetown (54), BC (56), and Villanova (58). To see how well your school did, click on the above link.


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    If you look around you see a hell of a lot of Longhorns hats out there - even here in NYC.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    No Ohio State?

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Go Tar Heels!

  4. In re the Buckeyes: Good question and very strange not to see them on the list. Messages left with their media relations office have not yet been returned.

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Southern Cal is missing too.

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Surely the reason is that OSU and USC simply hadn't chosen that company to do their merchandising - they chose another company instead.

  7. Anonymous9:29 AM

    must be rigged, penn state is only number 10.

  8. Anonymous5:55 PM

    As a proud Villanova graduate who is also a Buckeye fan as well (Ohio native), I think there is a serious cred problem when O.S.U. is not on the list. That's b.s.

    And I don't mean Boise State!

    Villanova's number is good. Put together a winning season or two, pack the house with wildly-partisan fans, play deep into the tournament and people wanna know you up close and personal.

    Only reason the dookies are even as high as 23 is two initials: D.V. Need I say more?

    Go Cats!


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