Thursday, September 21, 2006

Law & Order: Artistic Intent

What's better than slash/fiction? Totally ernest fan art dedicated to Law & Order.

Geeky? Yes. Awesome? Very.

What's that? You were expecting an Eagles post? Well I have a witness that when the Eagles went to halftime up 17-7, I said that something very bad was about to happen. They should have been up 31-7. You can't leave points on the field.

Let's just leave it at that, shall we?

Bonus: That would be 0-for-7 in their last seven division games. (And I can't remember the last time they covered.) Get ready for all the happy-talk when they rebound against weak teams for the next month. After that, the deluge.


  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I'm not kidding when i say that might be the greatest website of all time. A Tattoo of B.D.Wong!!!!!!!!!! I need to get that Tattoo. B.D.Wong!!!!!!!
    Orbach rules!!!!!!!
    oh man, what a great site.

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Oh man, you're not giving us Giants fans much to gloat about.


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